Kansans and Friends
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
New changes seem to be helping

I made some administrative changes this week. I brought on some new talent for helping with designs and such. So far she seems to be interested in staying on board with us. Only time will tell. If all goes the way I am wanting them to she will be the co designer for the main site as well. She has Paint Shop Pro experience which is a huge plus for being a new assistant to the group.

I got a business card from the local TV Station today and mentioned I would like to get in touch with them about a story idea. I will eventually email the lady and see if she can run a peice on the Saturday evening news. I want to showcase the group and try to get my presence out there more locally. I have too many creative irons in the fire. LOL.

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 11:47 PM CDT
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Award Winning Site
Mood:  a-ok

I had to share the good news despite lack of member participation my group still won a review award. I am going to end up kicking some managers to the curb though because I see them log on and they never go to the boards to help me field questions or anything else. I already made an executive decision last night and deleted a moderators board I set up for them due to lack of activity.

It is their loss I suppose I am finally getting us where I wanted us to be again after moving from one host to another I guess they don't want to be part of the same run of good luck that we once had.

So anyway I just wanted to let you folks here know to go check out my award. I put it front and center so it is the first thing people see when they hit our group. I will leave it that way for a month, just so folks can enjoy it.   




Posted by wildheart14vr at 12:10 PM CDT
Issued yet another challenge
Mood:  chillin'

I issued another challenge to get posting up I hope it works. I am thinking of renaming the group to reflect more of a local Kansan feel. I don't know it is so aggravating I see my ladies pop on and no one posts to the group. Guess we will give this latest challenge idea some time to take root and see what gives.

In the meantime check this site out.


Posted by wildheart14vr at 12:18 AM CDT
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Another possible banner

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 11:02 PM CDT
What makes a good group
What Makes A Good Group?

The Owner(s) and Mods
They are the ones who show their creativeness and caring through their updates.They take care of things in the group to make sure it runs smoothly. Takes true dedication to do that everyday, they are also the ones that usually hold the list together. BUT without member participation, they can only do so much!! Please remember managers of support groups are often ill themselves, therefore need help from all the members.

Through sharing shows you care about others happiness and respect the rules of being in that list.

Caring enough to take a few minutes out of your day to ask about someone's family, health or job can make all the difference in the world to a person. Who know's...You may have been the only person who cared enough to ask.! If you are in a support group and you have been well, it would be nice to stop in and still give support to those who are sick.

Through making comments to others and reading their sends you make them feel like their send was worth taking the time to send. In turn, you get to know a little bit about each others hearts. We can't get to make me friends if we don't post to others and answer posts from newer members. to make a friend, you have to be a friend.

When you make someone smile, its like giving a gift to their soul and sometimes you might just make their day. Laughter is good medicine.

When you surprise someone with something that you know they love to get, you make that person feel so important and happy that someone thought about them .

Teasing others is good if in good taste. Lets others know you are alive.

Saying "Thank you"
Means a lot because you know you touched that person somehow and just makes for a good day for them. If some one tries to make your day brighter by posting a joke, thier heart was in the right place, to lift your spirits.


It takes participation from all its members to be a great group. All the above add up to less stress on the managers and make the group a healthier, friendlier group. Groups are supposed to be fun, members can post jokes or funny things too.It is not the managers full time job to do all the posting.

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 4:03 PM CDT

Trying to revamp my group on runboard about to run out of ideas on how to keep it going so I am going to add whatever feedback I can get from others to this blog and use it as a reference to figure out what I need to do.

Hi Joe,

It dosen't feel very good does it? Having to come down to this decision, I mean. ....The answer is with in you, Joe. Do you want to feel hurt and angry everytime you go into the group knowing they are online, but haven't cared enough to stop in to say hello?? You know thats not only hurtful , but stressful to & stress adds to weight gain, not loss.
I am sorry to say there are no magic remedies to get members to post....None of us can figure out why people join groups & don't post. Many managers have jumped threw all sorts of hoops, trying to keep postings flowing...much depends on the type of group and the members themselves. Alot of people don't realize just how important groups are to the managers and other members who have no other means of support. And they don't know how much work is involved in running a group , only to be disappointed by members like those you speak of, that don't care.
People want quick fixes today, they don't want to take 6 months to loose 30 lbs, when theres that new shake or drug that can do it in 6 weeks. Yea, most don't think about the long term affects of that drug or the weight coming back once they stop.....Perhaps some have just lost intrest in thier battle of weight loss for the time being?.
Have you tried weeding out the members who haven't posted in a long time??Tell they you are going to "revamp" the group and make some rule changes. Did you have a rule about posting?? Maybe advertised on google or yahoo, I think they let you post free ads??..Is there more posting if you add funny things, etc??? If so, then that could be your answer, they come in to forget about the diet for a bit and want to chat about other things, just a guess. .Have you asked the members for input, on what they would like to see more of in the group???{{ like with me, some time I am so depressed, I come in looking for something funny, to make me laugh & lighten my mood...Or I will just go and play games by myself}}} If you are posting only health info, perhaps, they think they shouldn't post other things???..Could you just get rid of all the members and not delete the group and use it for storage??? Do you talk about other things besides weight, like personal support??? Hey, have weight loss contest and make the winner a name tag or something like that. These are all I can come up with.
I am sorry, Joe I can't be more help, You see, after 4 yrs of trying , I finally closed mine down in Jan and just have it for my storage locker. Mine wasn't a support group, but a friendship group....but we did support each other when times called for it.
I am really sorry you are having to deal with this issue.I hope some thing here may help you. I hope you find the solution thats right for you soon.((((HUGS)))) Dorri

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 12:05 PM CDT
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Added some more
Mood:  not sure
I spent alot of time getting my creative blog to the point it will start getting more traffic. I am going to be doing the same thing with this one tomorrow and then working on my column for next week, my first column comes out tommorow I am eager to see how it looks. I can't wait.

You can check it out at www.thecheers.org

My column is Joe is Fine are You?

Posted by wildheart14vr at 12:08 AM CDT
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
New feature to message board and main site.

I added an e card feature to the message board and also to the main site.

It is for those who can not afford to send a greeting card in time of need for someone. It is a simple e card format but it works and does the job I want it to do. So for those who happen upon my site and my regular visitors please check it out.

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 12:47 AM CDT
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Issued Challenge

I got a visitor from another manager of a runboard weight loss group yesterday. I left a message on her board asking her if she would be interested in an intergroup challenge of sorts somewhere down the road. I think it would be good not only for my group but for hers as well as the Runboard Directory members to see some friendly competition.

I start writing this week for my online column we will see how that goes. It is just going to be a very general bio type article at first then go from there. The name of the column is Joe is Fine Are You? It will be a weekly healthy living column.

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 2:36 PM CDT
Monday, June 5, 2006

Ok so I have decided it is time to get off my butt in a literal sense and start running my sites as If my business depended on keeping regular maintence of the sites a top priority. I am going to have to get more disciplined and start organizing my life in such a way that I can meet my new deadlines and reinforce to those around me the reason I got involved in the weight loss movement in the first place. I have to do this I have come too far in my endevours to just sit idley by and let my dreams go to the wayside.

My friend Valerie sent me a link to the ticker factory and am going to use this ticker to monitor my weight loss in conjuction with Dr Phil's book. He is the only one that has ever gotten the reason why people are overweight. His ideas are the only ones that truely make sense. We have to make a concious choice each and every day to eat right, exercise and monitor our own health and well being. In the end no one can do it for us except us.

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Posted by wildheart14vr at 7:43 AM CDT

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